Wednesday, March 28, 2012

At home facials!!!

Often times I would visit a spa and had the most WONDERFUL facials ever! I then would think to myself "humm self, why cant I start doing facials at home?" So I began to buy every beauty product you could think of from Mary Kay to Clique. I mean you name I tried it! I even went as far as purchasing a facial steamer(just imagine what a mess that created). My skin is very sensitive so I was either red and splotchy(not cute) or had dry patches on my face(even worse!)

I began to do some research and found out a few tips. I am sharing them with you all on my blog(see I am sooooooo NOT a hater(smile))

1. Diet is very important in maintaining a beautiful complexion. WATER is essential in promoting skin circulation at its base! So drink up, it makes you pretty!! 

2. Eat plenty of foods high in ZINC! Don't say huh.. there are a lot of foods high in zinc. There is Turkey,Beans,Lobster,Crab,Oysters,Salmon,Beef(lean and cooked) etc. Zinc helps repair damaged skin(squeezing bumps etc) while also protecting it from future abuse. So load up on Turkey and beans or Just go to your favorite seafood spot and pile on the zinc!
okay so some of you don't want to eat good so here are some more tricks!

3. Cool Whip facial! Yep its not only great for topping your favorite dessert,its good for your face tooYou simply put cool whip on let it set for 20 minutes and was your face with warm water followed by cold water. The coconut & palm kernel oils in Cool Whip moisturize the skin!
4. Next there is a solution you make with Johnson's Baby Shampoo and Domino Sugar. This creates a hypoallergenic exfoliating facial wash! You simply mix one quarter cup of Domino Sugar, and one teaspoon of Johnson's Baby Shampoo and 1 quarter cup water to make a thick paste. Rub the grainy mixture over your face then wash off with warm water,followed by cold water and pat dry.VIOLA!!Your EXFOLIATED!! POW!!

Well I sincerely hope this helps you, it sure helped me! Thanks for reading! Hugs and Love:)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Having a gift and using it

Good monday everyone! I just wanted to tell you that EVERYONE HAS A GIFT in some shape or form the best thing to do is use it to your best ability.